Here are a variety of techniques to empower yourself to make you streetwise:
- Wrist locks,
- Head locks,
- Strangle holds,
- Bear hugs,
- Knife attacks,
- Baton training,
- Restraining techniques.
Body weapons:
- Head – to their face,
- Hands – you can the fist, palm heel strike, the ridge hand, knuckles,
- Feet – to kick to shins, toes, knees,
- Knees – into stomach area,
- Elbows – face, body, back,
- Even your buttocks – into groin area.
Vulnerable points to strike:
- Eyes,
- Nose,
- Temple,
- Upper lip,
- Tip of chin,
- Jaws,
- Chick bone,
- Neck,
- Throat,
- Collar bone – with some hard,
- Solar plexus,
- Groin,
- Knees,
- Shins,
- Insteps.